LINQPad script to Generate SQL Server Database Restore Script from Ola Hallengren’s Backup Solution

Unless you perform regular restores of your database backups, you don’t know that you actually have a valid backup. In a career spanning over 30 years, I’ve seen two occasions where a company was performing backups (or so they thought!) and sending tapes offsite, assuming they were good when in fact the tapes were blank!

The majority of SQL Server installations use Ola Hallengren’s maintenance solution (and certainly all the ones I’ve had anything to do with).

If you are doing regular (5 minutes or less) transaction log backups, a restore might involve applying quite a few transaction logs.

I’ve written a short LINQPad script here which will generate the TSQL to perform a database restore either from a point in time or the latest available, based upon the default locations and naming conventions used by Ola’s backups. It’s Differential backup aware, as well as creating the multiple Transaction Log restore statements. It’s also takes into account where backups are split into separate backup files (which is quite common). You specify the server name, the database name, the root folder where the backups are stored, and either a point in time or the latest.

Disclaimer: Use at your own risk AND test thoroughly!

Example output:

USE [master]

   DISK = N'C:\temp\Backup\K7\AdventureWorks\FULL\K7_AdventureWorks_FULL_20211118_151558.bak'

   DISK = N'C:\temp\Backup\K7\AdventureWorks\DIFF\K7_AdventureWorks_DIFF_20211118_152101.bak'

   DISK = N'C:\temp\Backup\K7\AdventureWorks\LOG\K7_AdventureWorks_LOG_20211118_152226.trn'
 WITH NORECOVERY, STOPAT = '2021-11-21 17:07:22'


Date and Time Dimension

Almost every fact table in a data warehouse uses a date (or calendar) dimension, because most measurements are defined at specific points in time. A flexible calendar date dimension is at the heart of most data warehouse systems; it provides easy navigation of a fact table through user familiar dates, such as weeks, months, fiscal periods and special days (today, weekends, holidays etc.).

I’ve created a date dimension generator here at Github

It targets SQL Server, but should be easy to convert to other RDBMS.

It features:

  • User defined start and end dates
  • Computed Easter dates (for years 1901 to 2099)
  • Computed Chinese New year dates for years 1971 to 2099.
  • Computed public holidays for US, UK, Canada, Ireland, Malta, Philippines, Australia (with state specific for WA, NSW, QLD, SA, VIC).
  • Date labels in US, UK and ISO formats.

Things to Note:

  1. The [TodayFlag] needs to be updated once per day by a scheduled task (timezone dependent: might need a flag for each timezone).

  2. If you use an unusual Fiscal year (say 5-4-4), it will need to be loaded from an external source (such as an Excel/Google spreadsheet).

  3. The precise start date of the month of Ramadan is by proclamation, so these need to be added, year by year. It is possible to calculate but can be a day out, and can vary by region.

Amazon RDS SQL Server: Get Instance Size Using TSQL

You can obviously retrieve an Amazon RDS SQL Server’s instance type (size) from the AWS portal, but I wanted to get it using TSQL:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AmazonErrorLog') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #AmazonErrorLog;
CREATE TABLE #AmazonErrorLog
    LogDate DATETIME,
    ProcessInfo NVARCHAR(20),
    [Text] NVARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE @pattern nvarchar(30) = N'System Model:';
INSERT INTO #AmazonErrorLog
EXEC rdsadmin.dbo.rds_read_error_log;
    SELECT InstanceSize = CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Text, LEN(@pattern) + 1 + PATINDEX (N'%' + @pattern + N'%', Text), 100), '''', '') AS varchar(100))
    FROM #AmazonErrorLog
    WHERE PATINDEX (N'%' + @pattern + N'%', Text) > 0 
DROP TABLE #AmazonErrorLog;

When Did My Azure SQL Database Server Restart?

Getting the server restart time for an on-premise SQL Server is simple, and in fact there are several ways using sys.dm_os_sys_info, sys.dm_exec_sessions, sys.traces, or sys.databases

In an Azure SQL Database, you don’t get access to those system objects.

Brent Ozar posted a way to get the approximate Azure SQL Database restart date/time but I found that some of the wait types can produce large outliers and skew the result:

Instead, I’ve modified to use a standard statistics technique to reject outlier values that are outside 1.5 times the interquartile range:

;with cte as
    SELECT wait_time_ms 
    FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats w with(nolock)
    WHERE wait_type IN 
    approx_ms_since_restart = AVG(wait_time_ms), 
    approximate_restart_date = DATEADD(s, AVG(-wait_time_ms)/1000, GETDATE())
cross join
         q1 = min(wait_time_ms), 
         q3 = max(wait_time_ms), 
         iqr = max(wait_time_ms) - min(wait_time_ms)
      from (select 
               row_number() over (order by wait_time_ms) as seqnum,
               count(*) over (partition by null) as total
            from cte
           ) t
      where seqnum = cast(total * 0.25 as int) or seqnum = cast(total * 0.75 as int)
     ) qts
 where (wait_time_ms >= q1 - 1.5 * iqr) AND (wait_time_ms <= q3 + 1.5 * iqr)

This tells me my Azure server restarted on the 21st Sept 2018 around 23:46.

It’s not as complicated as it first looks:

The first part is obviously the same as Brent Ozar’s query, it gets a list of waits and their respective cumulative wait times. We generate a row number ordered by wait time and the total number of rows, and then pick 2 values using the row number at positions a quarter and three quarters along that list (the first and third quartile values). We then reject any value that is smaller than the 1st quartile value minus 1.5 times the interquartile range and any value that is larger than the 3rd quartile value plus 1.5 times the interquartile range.

Note: DATEADD() only accepts an integer for its second parameter, and using milliseconds(ms) overflows for even short periods of server up-time. In fact, since it’s approximate it might be better to use:

approximate_restart_date = DATEADD(minute, AVG(-wait_time_ms)/60000, GETDATE())

Set Up SQL Server Agent Alerts

SQL Server alerts are a free and easy way to get notified of corruption, agent job failures, or major failures before you get angry phone calls from users.

You should have already set up Database Mail and an alert operator to receive notifications. TIP: Always use an email distribution list for your operator notification email. If you use a person’s email, they might change jobs, or be on holiday…

The script below sets up the standard SQL Server Agent alerts for severity 17 through 25 as well as specific alerts for 823, 824 and 825 errors, and a bunch of others:

USE [msdb];

 -- Change these as required...
DECLARE @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses int = 900   -- in seconds
DECLARE @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses int = 3600 
DECLARE @Long_Delay_Between_Responses int   = 14400 
DECLARE @OperatorName sysname = N'SQLDBAGroup'
DECLARE @CategoryName sysname = N'SQL Server Agent Alerts';

DECLARE @DelayBetweenResponses int
DECLARE @TotalAlerts int
DECLARE @Row int = 1
DECLARE @AlertName sysname
DECLARE @SeverityNo int
DECLARE @ErrorNo int
    Id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL
    ,SeverityNo int NULL
    ,ErrorNo int NULL
    ,AlertName sysname NOT NULL
    ,DelayBetweenResponses int NOT NULL
INSERT @Alerts (SeverityNo, AlertName, DelayBetweenResponses) 
     (17, 'Alert - Sev 17 - Insufficient Resources', @Normal_DELAY_BETWEEN_RESPONSES)
    ,(18, 'Alert - Sev 18 - Nonfatal Internal Error', @Normal_DELAY_BETWEEN_RESPONSES)
    ,(19, 'Alert - Sev 19 - Fatal Error in Resource', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(20, 'Alert - Sev 20 - Fatal Error in Current Process', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(21, 'Alert - Sev 21 - Fatal Error in Database Process', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(22, 'Alert - Sev 22 - Fatal Error: Table Integrity Suspect', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(23, 'Alert - Sev 23 - Fatal Error: Database Integrity Suspect', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(24, 'Alert - Sev 24 - Fatal Error: Hardware Error', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(25, 'Alert - Sev 25 - Fatal Error', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses);
INSERT @Alerts (ErrorNo, AlertName, DelayBetweenResponses) 
     (601,  'Alert - Error 601 - NOLOCK scan aborted due to data movement', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(674,  'Alert - Error 674 - Exception occurred in destructor', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(708,  'Alert - Error 708 - Low virtual address space or low virtual memory', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(806,  'Alert - Error 806 - Audit failure: page read from disk failed basic integrity checks', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)

    ,(823,  'Alert - Error 823 - I/O Error:', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(824,  'Alert - Error 824 - Consistency-based I/O error:', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(825,  'Alert - Error 825 - File Read Retry:', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(832,  'Alert - Error 832 - Constant page has changed:', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(833,  'Alert - Error 833 - Long I/O request', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)

    ,(855,  'Alert - Error 855 - Uncorrectable hardware memory corruption detected', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(856,  'Alert - Error 856 - SQL Server has detected hardware memory corruption, but has recovered the page', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)

    ,(1205, 'Alert - Error 1205 - Transaction Deadlock arbitrated', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)

    ,(3401, 'Alert - Error 3401 - Errors occurred during recovery while rolling back a transaction', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(3410, 'Alert - Error 3410 - Data in filegroup is offline', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(3414, 'Alert - Error 3414 - Recovery Error', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(3422, 'Alert - Error 3422 - Database was shutdown', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(3452, 'Alert - Error 3452 - Recovery inconsistency', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(3619, 'Alert - Error 3619 - Could not write a checkpoint because the log is out of space', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(3620, 'Alert - Error 3620 - Automatic checkpointing is disabled because the log is out of space', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(3959, 'Alert - Error 3959 - Version store is full', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(5029, 'Alert - Error 5029 - Warning: Log has been rebuilt', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(5144, 'Alert - Error 5144 - Autogrow of file was cancelled by user or timed out', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(5145, 'Alert - Error 5145 - Long Autogrow of file', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(5182, 'Alert - Error 5182 - New log file created', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(9001, 'Alert - Error 9001 - Transaction log not available', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(9002, 'Alert - Error 9002 - Transaction log full', @Normal_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(17173, 'Alert - Error 17173 - Ignored trace flag', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(17883, 'Alert - Error 17883 - Non-yielding Worker on Scheduler', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(17884, 'Alert - Error 17884 - New queries assigned to process have not been picked up by a worker thread', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(17887, 'Alert - Error 17887 - Worker appears to be non-yielding on Node', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(17888, 'Alert - Error 17888 - All schedulers on Node appear deadlocked', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(17890, 'Alert - Error 17890 - A significant part of sql server process memory has been paged out', @Long_Delay_Between_Responses)
    ,(17891, 'Alert - Error 17891 - Worker appears to be non-yielding on Node', @Medium_Delay_Between_Responses)

SELECT @TotalAlerts = COUNT(*) FROM @Alerts

IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysoperators WHERE name = @OperatorName)
    RAISERROR ('SQL Operator %s does not exist', 18, 16, @OperatorName);
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.syscategories
               WHERE category_class = 2  -- ALERT
               AND category_type = 3 AND name = @CategoryName)
    EXEC dbo.sp_add_category @class = N'ALERT', @type = N'NONE', @name = @CategoryName;
    WHILE @Row <= @TotalAlerts 
             @AlertName = @@SERVERNAME + ' - ' + AlertName 
            ,@SeverityNo = SeverityNo
            ,@ErrorNo = ErrorNo
            ,@DelayBetweenResponses = DelayBetweenResponses
            Id = @Row
        IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysalerts WHERE [name] = @AlertName) 
            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_alert @name = @AlertName
        IF @SeverityNo IS NOT NULL 
            EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert 
                @name = @AlertName,
                @message_id = 0, 
                @severity = @SeverityNo, 
                @enabled = 1, 
                @Delay_Between_Responses = @DelayBetweenResponses, 
                @include_event_description_in = 1, 
                @category_name = @CategoryName, 
                @job_id = N'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
        IF @ErrorNo IS NOT NULL 
            -- Errors 855 and 856 require SQL Server 2012+ and Enterprise Edition
            -- [Also need Windows Server 2012+, and hardware that supports memory error correction]
            IF @ErrorNo NOT IN (855, 856) 
               OR (LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(2),SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')), 2) >= '11' AND SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') = 3)
                EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert 
                    @name = @AlertName,
                    @message_id = @ErrorNo, 
                    @severity = 0, 
                    @enabled = 1, 
                    @Delay_Between_Responses = @DelayBetweenResponses, 
                    @include_event_description_in = 1, 
                    @category_name = @CategoryName, 
                    @job_id = N'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
        EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_notification @Alert_Name = @AlertName, @Operator_Name = @OperatorName, @notification_method = 1
        SELECT @Row = @Row + 1



    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 

SQL Server Unindexed Foreign Keys

I saw this, DMV To List Foreign Keys With No Index, via Brent Ozar’s weekly links email.

Unindexed foreign key columns might not be captured by the sys.dm_db_missing_index_details DMV because of their relatively small size. Lack of indexes on foreign keys might only have a small performance impact during reads but can lead to lock escalations during heavy write loads causing excessive blocking and possibly dead locks.

I’ve updated the original posted query to generate TSQL to create the missing indexes (which you should compare to the existing index landscape to see if any indexes can be consolidated before running in).

[Note: if you are unfortunate enough to have spaces in your table/column names, then you’ll need to replace them with an underscore ‘_’  (or other character) in the index name.]

;with cte_fk as 
        fk_table_schema = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(fk.parent_object_id),
        fk_table = OBJECT_NAME(fk.parent_object_id),
        fk_column =,
        fk_name   =,
        fk_has_index = CASE WHEN i.object_id IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
        is_fk_a_pk_also = i.is_primary_key,
        is_index_on_fk_unique = i.is_unique,
        index_def = 'create index NC_' + OBJECT_NAME(fk.parent_object_id) + '_' + + 
           ' ON ' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(fk.parent_object_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(fk.parent_object_id)) + '(' + QUOTENAME( + ')',
        pk_table_schema = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(fk.referenced_object_id),
        pk_table = OBJECT_NAME(fk.referenced_object_id),
        pk_column =,
        pk_index_name =,
        sys.foreign_keys fk
        join sys.foreign_key_columns fkc ON fkc.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id
        join sys.columns c ON c.object_id = fk.parent_object_id AND c.column_id = fkc.parent_column_id
        left join sys.columns c2 ON c2.object_id = fk.referenced_object_id AND c2.column_id = fkc.referenced_column_id
        left join sys.key_constraints kc ON kc.parent_object_id = fk.referenced_object_id AND kc.type = 'PK'
        left join sys.index_columns ic ON ic.object_id = c.object_id AND ic.column_id = c.column_id
        left join sys.indexes i ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id
    cte_fk c
    left join sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps on ps.object_id = c.parent_object_id and ps.index_id <= 1
    fk_has_index = 0 
    -- and fk_table = 'mytablename'
order by 
    used_page_count desc

Some TSQL Anti-patterns: ‘DISTINCT’ column list, Scalar valued Functions…

I’ve been looking through some code that I last worked on over a year ago. Since then several people have contributed to the project. The first thing that I noticed was a sprinkling of DISTINCT added to SELECT queries where it was originally totally unnecessary! Paul White puts it better than I could:

SELECT DISTINCT is sometimes an indication that someone has ‘fixed’ a query that returns duplicate rows in a naive way. This (mis-)use is probably more common among those with relatively little database experience.”

If you’re a Dev or DBA and you’re about to fix a problem by adding DISTINCT to a query, ask yourself “I am really fixing the real problem?”. And if DISTINCT is the real answer, then an equivalent GROUP BY might be more efficient.

The next thing I noticed is the addition of scalar valued functions not unsurprisingly causing less than stellar performance. An experienced DBA (and developer) should be fully aware of the performance implications of using scalar valued functions, and should avoid if possible.