.NET: Disable Insecure TLS protocols

TLS1.1 and TLS1.0 (and lower) protocols are insecure and should no longer be used.

For .NET 4.7 or later, you do not need to set System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol. The default value (SecurityProtocolType.SystemDefault) allows the operating system to use whatever versions it has been configured for, including any new versions that may not have existed at the time your application was created.

If you want to explicitly code this in .NET, rather than specify the allowed protocols, disable the disallowed protocols before making any connections:

// TLS must be 1.2 or greater. Disable SSL3, TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 [Note: this is the default behaviour for .NET 4.7 or later] 
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol &= (~SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 & ~SecurityProtocolType.Tls & ~SecurityProtocolType.Tls11);

Postgresql: Find Users With Weak Passwords

A while back I wrote a short post that checks for SQL Server SQL logins with weak passwords. Here’s the equivalent for Postgresql (it’s only checking the MD5 hash algorithm at present):

	Password varchar(30) not null primary key

INSERT INTO temp_CommonPasswords(Password) VALUES 
('princess'	),

	cross join lateral (Select Password from temp_CommonPasswords) c 
	'md5'||md5(c.Password||usename) = pg_shadow.passwd


	passwd = 'md5'||md5(usename||usename)

Hardening SQL Server Security

Three part article on hardening SQL Server Security:

Below are some Microsoft recommended best practices for network settings:

  • Enable Windows Firewall and limit the network protocols supported.
  • Do not enable network protocols unless they are needed.
  • Disable NETBIOS and SMB protocol unless specifically needed.
  • Do not expose a server that is running SQL Server to the public Internet.
  • Configure named instances of SQL Server to use specific port assignments for TCP/IP rather than dynamic ports.
  • Use extended protection in SQL Server 2012 if the client and operating system support it.
  • Grant CONNECT permission only on endpoints to logins that need to use them. Explicitly deny CONNECT permission to endpoints that are not needed by users or groups.

SQL Server Security: Find Users with Weak Passwords

Data Breaches are common, and their cause is often as simple as the use of weak passwords.

SQL Server has an internal system function, PWDCOMPARE(), that can be used to find SQL logins with a weak password. A list of very common weak passwords can be found here as well as many other places.

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CommonPasswords') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #CommonPasswords;

CREATE TABLE #CommonPasswords(Password varchar(30) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS not null primary key);

INSERT INTO #CommonPasswords(Password) VALUES
('princess'	),

    sys.sql_logins sl (nolock)
    cross apply #CommonPasswords cp
    PWDCOMPARE(cp.Password, sl.password_hash) = 1


    sys.sql_logins sl (nolock)
    PWDCOMPARE(sl.name, sl.password_hash) = 1; -- password same as username

Troy Hunt has collected the passwords from several major data breaches, and he has made the passwords searchable.

Does the Microsoft CSP RSA provider support a maximum of 2048 bits?

It seems that the maximum Microsoft’s RSA provider supports is 2048 bits: Is there a limit for RSA key exponents in .NET?

I’ve just been been experimenting with 3072 and 4096 bit keys without success. Error message is “Bad Data” !

Nice one Microsoft! Thanks for you concern about security!

Surprising since NIST’s recommendations are that 3072 bit keys are required “if security is required beyond 2030”

How to send large amounts of data securely

RSA public/private key cryptography is limited in the amount of data that it can encrypt. With the commonly used v1.5 padding and the largest RSA key (currently 2048-bits), the maximum size of data that can be encrypted is 245 bytes.

If you want to encrypt and securely send more data than that you need to use a combination of asymmetric and symmetric encryption algorithms.

In practice, RSA is used to exchange an encrypted key between communicating endpoints that is then used to symmetrically encrypt/decrypt the large data.

Encryption by sender:

  1. Generate a cryptographically strong random key, K, of the length required for a symmetrical encryption technique such as Rijndael (maximum key size is 256 bits for Rijndael).
  2. Symmetrically encrypt your data using Rijndael using the random key generated in step 1.
  3. Using RSA, asymmetrically encrypt the random key generated in step 1 with the public part of the recipient’s RSA key.
  4. Send the RSA encrypted random key AND the encrypted data from steps 2 and 3 to recipient.

Decryption by recipient:

  1. Decrypt the encrypted key using your private RSA key.
  2. Decrypt the original data using the RSA-decrypted symmetric key from step 1.

Here’s how to generate a 2048 bit public/private key in C#:

    using (rsaProvider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048))
        rsaProvider.PersistKeyInCsp = false;

        // Export public key to file
        publicKey = rsaProvider.ToXmlString(false);
        using (publicKeyFile = File.CreateText(publicKeyFileName))

        // Export private/public key pair to file
        privateKey = rsaProvider.ToXmlString(true);
        using (privateKeyFile = File.CreateText(privateKeyFileName))

Do you Encrypt your Remote Connections to SQL Azure Databases?

If you’re not encrypting connections to SQL Azure (or any remote SQL Server instance), then you probably should.

Encrypted connections to SQL Server use SSL,  and that is about as secure as you can get (currently).

[Remember: SSL protects only the connection, i.e. the data as it is transmitted ‘on the wire’ between the client and SQL Server. It says nothing about how the data is actually stored on the server].

Update: Don’t forget to also set TrustServerCertificate=false


When you open SSMS’s ‘Connect to Server’ dialog, click the bottom right ‘Options’ button, and make sure you tick the checkbox ‘Encrypt Connection’:



Ensure you add the -N command line option. The -N switch is used by the client to request an encrypted connection. This option is equivalent to the ADO.net option ENCRYPT = true.


sqlcmd –N –U username –P password  –S servername –d databasename –Q “SELECT * FROM myTable”

Linked Servers

When creating a linked server to SQL Azure,  the @provstr parameter must be set to ‘Encrypt=yes;’:

-- Create the linked server:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server     = 'LocalLinkedServername',
@srvproduct = N'Any',
@provider   = 'SQLNCLI',
@datasrc    = '???.database.windows.net', -- Azure server name
@location   = '', 
@provstr    = N'Encrypt=yes;',       -- <<--  Important!
@catalog    = 'RemoteDatabaseName';  -- remote(Azure) database name


ADO.NET Connection strings

Add “ENCRYPT = true” to your connection string, or set the SqlConnectionStringBuilder property to True.

[Remember: don’t distribute passwords by sending as plaintext over the Internet, i.e. don’t email passwords! ]