Performance Improvements in .NET 6

There have been a large number of Performance Improvements in .NET 6 as evidenced in Stephen Toub’s blog post. Most of the time we don’t care about assembly level performance optimisations because the bottleneck is usually accessing some external resource, such as a database or web service.

If you need to benchmark .NET code take a look at a great tool, BenchmarkDotNet and also take a look at the book referenced there, Pro .NET Benchmarking as getting benchmarking correct can sometimes be quite tricky.

If you’re not yet on .NET 6, and you have code in a large loop that you want to squeeze some performance out of it (and it won’t make the code hard to understand and maintain!) here are a couple of simple tips:

  • Testing if n is even: replace (n % 2 == 0) with ((n & 1) == 0)
  • Dividing by 2: replace n / 2 by n >> 1 (but be aware of the unsigned / signed behaviour of right shift)

.NET: Disable Insecure TLS protocols

TLS1.1 and TLS1.0 (and lower) protocols are insecure and should no longer be used.

For .NET 4.7 or later, you do not need to set System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol. The default value (SecurityProtocolType.SystemDefault) allows the operating system to use whatever versions it has been configured for, including any new versions that may not have existed at the time your application was created.

If you want to explicitly code this in .NET, rather than specify the allowed protocols, disable the disallowed protocols before making any connections:

// TLS must be 1.2 or greater. Disable SSL3, TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 [Note: this is the default behaviour for .NET 4.7 or later] 
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol &= (~SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 & ~SecurityProtocolType.Tls & ~SecurityProtocolType.Tls11);

Configurable Retry Logic in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient

Microsoft have recently released a long awaited retry mechanism for .NET SqlClient

I’m a fan of Polly for retry logic:

Polly is a library that allows developers to express resilience and transient fault handling policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.

It will be interesting to see how they compare in terms of ease of use.

Configurable retry logic in SqlClient introduction

Windows File Splitter

Unlike Linux systems, Windows doesn’t have a built-in command line file splitter. Splitting large files into smaller chunks is something you often want to with data warehouses (such as Snowflake), in order to be able to use multiple threads for better bulk loading performance.

I saw a post by Greg Low, SDU_FileSplit – Free utility for splitting CSV and other text files in Windows where he had created one for Windows, but it wasn’t open-source.

I decided to create an open-source file splitter for Windows.

It’s a standalone .NET 5.0 executable, supports wildcards, can recurse sub-folders (careful with that option!) and automatically gzip compress output files.

Example use:

FileSplitter.exe -i c:\temp\*.csv -m 100000 -c -o c:\temp\TestFileSplitter

Splits all the files in specified folder c:\temp with extension .csv, and splits into max. 100K lines per file, storing the output files in folder c:\temp\TestFileSplitter

SQL Server Error Code 4815 Bulk Insert into Azure SQL Database

If you receive error code 4815 while doing a Bulk Insert into an Azure SQL Database (including SqlBulkCopy()), it’s likely you are trying to insert a string that is too long into a (n)varchar(x) column.

The unhelpful error message does not contain any mention of overflow, or the column name! Posting in the hope it will save someone some time.

.NET Core Standalone Executable

.NET Core 1.0 came out June 27, 2016. 4 years later, and who knows how many hundreds of thousands of person hours development, I figured it would be quite mature.

On that premise, feeling quite hopeful, I decided to see what’s involved in converting a .NET 4.7.1 standalone console application to .NET Core 3.1, which you’d think would be relatively straight forward.

Three hours later, my 5MB standalone console application has ballooned to 74MB! If you select ‘PublishTrimmed=true’, then the size drops to 44MB but then the application doesn’t work. Apparently, trimming is not able to work out what’s needed, even when reflection isn’t involved.

Turns out even the un-trimmed 74MB app. still doesn’t work as you can’t use the built-in encrypted connection strings section in app.config file. (It hasn’t currently been implemented in .NET Core, along with DbProviderFractory, and a few other surprises…)

I went looking for resources and other people’s experiences converting to .NET Core.

Scott Hanselman gets really excited about making a 13MB+ “Hello world” .Net Core application. He even calls it tiny!! (and that’s after he got it down from 69MB). His post starts out with the line “I’ve always been fascinated by making apps as small as possible, especially in the .NET space.” Irony, or what? In what kind of insane world is a “Hello World!” application 13MB!?!

On a tangential side note; just ditched ILMerge for creating standalone executables. In the past I’ve used Jeffrey Richter’s technique of embedding assemblies in the resource manifest, adding a startup hook to load assemblies into the app. domain at runtime, but like a FOOL, I thought that ILMerge was the ‘better’, more .NETway of doing things.

The amount of pain ILMerge has caused me over the last few years is staggering. It has to be one of the most fragile tools out there. If the planets aren’t aligned it spits the dummy. If there’s ever a problem it spits out an unhelpful cryptic “exited with error X” message. Good luck finding the problem!

Just moved over to using Fody/Costura; it uses that same technique of embedding assemblies in the executable.

It worked the very first time! Unlike ILMerge. As an added bonus it automatically compresses/decompresses assemblies, and my .NET 4.7.1 standalone executable is 2 MB smaller!

TransactionScope Default Isolation Level

When you create a new TransactionScope, you might be surprised to find that the default isolation level is Serializable.

TransactionScope’s default constructor defaults the isolation level to Serializable and the timeout to 1 minute. In SQL Server, SERIALIZABLE transactions are rarely useful and prone to deadlocks.

If you are using a TransactionScope and getting deadlocks in your application (and hopefully you have a retry mechanism for SQLException 1205), it might be due to the Serializable isolation level.

Instead of using the default constructor:

using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
    // .... Do Stuff ....


Use this:

using (var scope = TransactionUtils.CreateTransactionScope())
    // .... Do Stuff ....



public class TransactionUtils
    public static TransactionScope CreateTransactionScope()
        var transactionOptions = new TransactionOptions
            IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted,
            Timeout = TransactionManager.MaximumTimeout

        return new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOptions);

[The other gotcha relates to SQL Server 2014 and below: TransactionScope and Connection Pooling]

Reducing Azure Functions Cold Start Time

You can host a serverless function in Azure in two different modes: Consumption plan and Azure App Service plan. The Consumption plan automatically allocates compute power when your code is running. Your app is scaled out when needed to handle load, and scaled down when code is not running. You don’t have to pay for idle VMs or reserve capacity in advance.

The consumption plan is likely the one you opted to use. You get 1 million free executions and 400,000 GB-s of resource consumption per month and pay-as-you-go pricing beyond that. It can also scale massively. The downside of using the consumption plan is that if there is no activity after five minutes (the default), your code will be unloaded by the Azure Functions host. The next time your function is invoked, your function will be loaded from scratch. I’ve experienced start up times ranging from a few seconds to several minutes.

With version 1.x of Azure functions you can raise the unload functiontimeout to 10 minutes in the host.json settings file.

If you want to keep your functions in memory, you either need to be calling them more frequently than the function timeout setting, or you could create another function in the same app. service plan that gets called periodically using a timer trigger:

using System;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;

namespace SQLFrontlineLoaderFunctionApp
    public static class KeepAliveTimerFunction
        // Timer trigger is in UTC timezone 
        public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */9 * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info($"Alive: {DateTime.Now}");

This empty function will be called every 9 minutes (“0 */9 * * * *”). You could also keep your functions warm during a certain period during the day. This timer trigger cron expression would run every 9 minutes between 4am and 10am (UTC time zone): TimerTrigger(“0 */9 4-10 * * *”)]


C# : Get Public IP Address

Posting this code snippet, so I don’t forget it!

    public static string GetPublicIPAddress()
        string result = string.Empty;

        // List of public URLs to be tried in order
        string[] checkIPUrl =

        using (var client = new WebClient())
            client.Headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/4.0 (Compatible; Windows NT 5.1; MSIE 6.0) " +
                "(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)";

            foreach (var url in checkIPUrl)
                    result = client.DownloadString(url);
                    // Ignore errors 

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))

        return result.Replace("\n", "").Trim();