Do You Name All Your SQL Server Database Constraints?

If you define a constraint without explicitly giving it a name, SQL Server will generate one for you.
You know the ones, they look something like this PK__MY_TABLE__3213E83FA7739BB4.

Why might that be a bad thing? It makes writing deployment scripts harder because you won’t know up front the names of constraints you might want to refer to.

Michael J Swart describes a query to discover the system generated names in your databases (with a small modification):

    [Schema] = SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id),
    [System Generated Name] = OBJECT_NAME(o.object_id),
    [Parent Name] = OBJECT_NAME(o.parent_object_id),
    [Object Type] = o.type_desc
    sys.objects o
    JOIN sys.sysconstraints c ON o.object_id = c.constid
    (status & 0x20000) > 0
    and o.is_ms_shipped = 0

According to the sys.sysconstraints documentation page:

This SQL Server 2000 system table is included as a view for backward compatibility. We recommend that you use the current SQL Server system views instead. To find the equivalent system view or views, see Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL). This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.

You can query the same information by using the individual views unioned together:

    [Schema] = SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id),
    [System Generated Name] = OBJECT_NAME(object_id),
    [Parent Name] = OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id),
    [Object Type] = type_desc
FROM sys.check_constraints 
WHERE is_system_named = 1


    [Schema] = SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id),
    [System Generated Name] = OBJECT_NAME(object_id),
    [Parent Name] = OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id),
    [Object Type] = type_desc
FROM sys.default_constraints 
WHERE is_system_named = 1


    [Schema] = SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id),
    [System Generated Name] = OBJECT_NAME(object_id),
    [Parent Name] = OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id),
    [Object Type] = type_desc
FROM sys.key_constraints 
WHERE is_system_named = 1


    [Schema] = SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id),
    [System Generated Name] = OBJECT_NAME(object_id),
    [Parent Name] = OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id),
    [Object Type] = type_desc
FROM sys.foreign_keys  
WHERE is_system_named = 1

SQL Server Error Code 4815 Bulk Insert into Azure SQL Database

If you receive error code 4815 while doing a Bulk Insert into an Azure SQL Database (including SqlBulkCopy()), it’s likely you are trying to insert a string that is too long into a (n)varchar(x) column.

The unhelpful error message does not contain any mention of overflow, or the column name! Posting in the hope it will save someone some time.