I’m currently writing a short review of Jon Skeet’s excellent new book, “C# in Depth” and I came across a neat C# code formatter at the book’s accompanying web site.
Perth .NET UG Meeting: Thurs June 5th.
Join us tomorrow at the Perth .NET Community of Practice, Thursday June 5th to hear Dave Gardner talk about ‘How to be a debugging superhero’ with Visual Studio 2008. Ever thought you should spend more time learning about the debugging features that Visual Studio has to offer? If so then this is the session for you! This entire session will be hands-on (not a single PowerPoint bullet in sight), as we see how many tips, tricks, and best practices we can jam into an hour. Amaze and delight your co-workers with your newfound skills after you are transformed into a debugging superhero*.
* Individual results may vary. The presenter makes no guarantee that you will obtain any superhuman abilities during this session.
TOPIC: How to be a debugging superhero with Dave Gardner
DATE: Thursday, June 5th, 5:30pm
VENUE: Excom, Level 2, 23 Barrack Street, Perth
COST: Free. All welcome.
Dave Gardner is a seasoned .NET developer and the Chief Software Architect at Intilecta Corporation. For the past decade and a bit, Dave has worked as a solutions architect, consultant, and developer, and provided expertise to organisations in Australia, New Zealand, and Malaysia. Dave is a co-author of the upcoming “Professional Visual Studio 2008” book from Wrox. He blogs about Visual Studio and .NET at http://www.professionalvisualstudio.com/, and has a personal website at http://peaksite.com/.
PowerShell Community Extensions 1.1.1
An update to the PowerShell Community Extensions has been released over at CodePlex.
PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) is aimed at providing a widely useful set of additional cmdlets, providers, aliases, filters, functions and scripts for Windows PowerShell that members of the community have expressed interest in.
Reminder and Change of Venue: Perth Readify RDN event, Thursday 29th May
For all those planning on attending the Readify RDN event this Thursday 29th May, there has been a late change of venue due to the high number of people who have registered for the event. It’s now being held just around the corner at Cliftons:
Mezzanine Floor, Australia Place
cnr St Georges Tce & William Street
Same Time: 5:30pm – 7pm
See you there!
Resharper 4.0 Beta Released
JetBrains have just released the Beta version of Resharper 4.0: http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/beta/beta.html
Free Photoshop book from Sitepoint: “The Photoshop Anthology”
Sitepoint have made “The Photoshop Anthology” free to download for the next 30 days.
Here’s the link: http://www.sitepoint.com/launch/f948f3
Reminder: Thurs May 8th, Occasionally Connected Systems
If you are in Perth this Thursday, May 8th, join us at the Perth .NET Community of Practice to hear Dr Greg Low talk about occasionally connected systems using SQL Server Compact and Express editions. More details here.
Team Foundation Server Power Tools Released (March 2008)
Brian Harry‘s blog has a post detailing what’s in the latest release of the TFS Power Tools. The new ‘Unshelve to a different branch’ feature looks to be very useful.
The Holy Grail of Synchronisation
Nothing new, but one of my colleagues made me aware of this guide for synchronizing Contacts and Calendars across multiple computers and gadgets: The Holy Grail of Synchronisation. He also sent me these useful links:
ScheduleWorld: http://www.scheduleworld.com/
Funambol Sync tool for Outlook: http://www.funambol.com/opensource/downloads.php
I have a hard time thinking about “The Holy Grail” without the phrase “Fetchez la Vache!” springing to mind…
MIT Open Courseware
I blogged about this free resource last year. If you haven’t given it a look yet, it’s really worthwhile. I don’t hold too many political views, but free access to higher education for all and not just those that can afford it, is certainly one of them. MIT OpenCourseware is helping make that a reality.