Reviewing Managed Code

MSDN has a recent article on Reviewing Managed Code:

Summary. This document will discuss best practices for reviewing managed code.
Some practices are universal to reviewing managed and unmanaged code. Others are unique to reviewing managed code…”

This brief article does not go into as much detail as The Elements of C# style but does contain a few excellent bits of advice, such as incorporating FxCop into the build process and checking for and reviewing warning suppression statements as part of the code review process.

I noticed in the comments section that the following advice was given: “Comments must be clear and accurately describe the associated code.” This should be stated as “Comments must be clear and accurately describe the intention of the associated code.”

One thing that we all come across from time to time (at least, I know I’ve been guilty a few times), is we quickly prototype an application with literal strings embedded (message boxes, exceptions etc). We know that these should be packaged into a string resource file, so that changes are localised and globalization is supported, but then the application grows and the amount of work to convert those literals seems daunting. Check out the Resource Refactoring Tool, mentioned in this article, which can be used to refactor string literals out of code into a resource file.

Mise en Place: The Zen Flow of French Cooking

I was browsing Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project (highly recommended reading) when I came across this post. Like Gretchen, I had not heard the term mise en place before, even though I’ve always practiced this method when cooking.

mise en place (pronounced MEEZ ahn plahs) is a French culinary term which literally means “setting in place”, or more figuratively as “everything in its place”. Mise en place means you have everything ready before starting the actual cooking process. Recipes are completely read and reviewed to check for the necessary ingredients and equipment. Ingredients are fetched, measured out, washed, chopped and placed in individual bowls. Equipment and surfaces are cleaned and readied for use and ovens are preheated.

However, mise en place is more than just a culinary term for preparation; it is a concept or a state-of-mind that when applied, results in a smooth-flowing, efficient cooking process. It is especially beneficial when preparing multiple dishes. It is a clearing of the mind of all but the central task. It is preparing your environment for ‘flow’, that zen-like state of mind when all that is thought about is the task in hand and all that surrounds us melts into nothingness, whether it be returning a 200+ kph tennis serve, computing a definite integral, writing complex code or any procedure that requires pure concentration.

Mise en place involves several steps which will ensure a smooth and enjoyable cooking experience:

  1. Read the entire recipe. Determine which ingredients and equipment you will need and have on hand.
  2. Prepare the workspace. Start with a clean kitchen and remove unnecessary items from work surfaces. Preheat the oven, prepare pans, boil water, etc
  3. Do the work: Peel, chop, slice, dice, grate; pre-measure ingredients and put into individual bowls.
  4. Follow the recipe and create your dish.
  5. Clean up as you go.

Mitch Denny recently posted an article where he compares software development to food, Food as a metaphor for the software development process. Not wishing to leave this topic under-cooked, I decided to fire up the deep fat fryers…

Can ‘mis en place’ be applied to designing and writing software? We often rush to start coding too soon, without sufficient requirements or enough design. To paraphrase an old proverb “Design Twice, Code Once”.

Taking one or two liberties and borrowing heavily from “Object-Oriented Analysis and Design”:

  1. Gather requirements. Talk to customers/users. Produce a feature list. Talk to the development team and make sure they understand what you are trying to achieve.
  2. Create use case diagrams. Create use cases. Verify your requirements against use cases. Perform a domain analysis.
  3. Break up the problem. Look for places where you can apply OO design principles.
  4. Determine your architecture. Focus on one feature at a time to reduce risk in your project. Start coding.
  5. Write unit tests and refactor as you go (Look for places where you can apply OO design principles).

Working easily and well is satisfying. Mise en place can help to achieve that state of flow.

Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design by Brett D. McLaughlin, Gary Pollice and David West. Published by O’Reilly.

I found it hard to write a review about this book. Why? Because apart from a few, very minor typos it is simply superb! In my opinion, it is one of the best and sure to be one of the most influential books in this subject area. The O’Reilly Head First series of books are fast becoming the de facto standard, and I recommend that anyone who wants to get a deep understanding of how you should approach designing and developing software, read this book, no matter what your background or current skill set is. To date, I’ve read this book twice, cover to cover. It is not a particularly thin book, but it is very easy to read.
A colleague once told me that he picked up “Head First: Design Patterns” in a bookshop and flicked through it. He didn’t buy it because he wasn’t sure about the format, which if you’ve never seen a Head First book before, might at first seem a little different and perhaps off putting. As one reviewer put it:

Hidden behind the funny pictures and crazy fonts is a serious, intelligent,
extremely well-crafted presentation of OO Analysis and Design. As I read the
book, I felt like I was looking over the shoulder of an expert designer who was
explaining to me what issues were important at each step and why
.” — Edward Sciore

The book’s primary focus is “How to write great software”; this is summarised in 3 steps:
  1. Make sure your software does what the customer wants
  2. Apply basic OO principles to add flexibility
  3. Strive for a maintainable, reusable design.
It is a practical, readable and refreshing step-by-step walkthrough of the development process. It covers how to incorporate flexibility into all aspects of the software development life cycle. This book leads you through simple and then more advanced concepts by allowing you, the reader, to make the connections. In addition, it gives an easy to understand introduction to UML class diagrams.
Kathy Sierra talks about “Creating passionate users” over at the blog of the same name (highly recommended reading, as it is a gold mine of ideas and advice on creating great software). One of the beliefs espoused there is that it is better to get passionate responses from users at either end of the spectrum (i.e. love or hate it), rather than a mediocre “Yeah, it’s OK”. Judging by the polarised reviews over at Amazon, this book certainly creates passionate users/readers.
It is always hard to do justice to a great book in a short review, and this book is no exception. It is more readable and accessible than most other OO design books (excluding the other Head First design titles, of course!). I agree with Steve Bailey’s comments:

”I’d recommend this book to even the most veteran OO programmers. I put it up
there along with Code Complete …”

I would love to hear your thoughts on this book, so please leave a comment.

Careful with Those Bits, Eugene

I came across this roundup page of bit manipulations several years ago, and then prompty lost it.

So what are they good for? You’d be surprised where they crop up. Many a novel solution relies on these techniques. Admittedly, if all you are writing is UI presentation code, these probably won’t be of much use. On the other hand, if you ever take part in any ‘speed’ coding puzzles, there are deep low level techniques to be gleaned.

I’m posting a link so I can find it again!

(PS. Anyone recognise where my terrible title comes from?)

Regular Expression Resources

There are several tools that can assist with creating and testing regular expressions. The Regulator and Expresso are perhaps the most widely used.

The Regulator, written by Roy Osherove, features syntax highlighting and integrates with’s database of online regular expressions via a web-service.

Expresso, written by Jim Hollenhorst, is another great tool for building and testing regular expressions. Expresso has some very nice features such as generating ready-to-paste C# code snippets from your regular expression.

Regex Workbench, written by Eric Gunnerson, has a nice feature that shows Tooltips that decode the meaning of subexpressions within an expression.

RegexDesigner written by Chris Sells is another useful tool. It is not quite as fully featured as some of the others.


Regular Expression Cheat Sheets

It might be a strange name for a technical site but has a few gems of ‘cheat’ sheets (memory aid would be more accurate). The excellent regular expression sheet is no exception. In addition to the downloadable and printable cheat sheet this page gives one of the most understandable descriptions of regular expression functionality you will find anywhere.
There is a slightly less comprehensive but useful crib sheet here.

UPDATED: Add to the resources list.

Interview Questions You Should Ask

On the whole, I’ve been fairly successful (or lucky) with interviews in my career. But I must admit that even though I’ve tended to be able to correctly answer most if not all of the interviewer’s questions, I don’t always ask them enough of the right questions. Asking the right questions is especially important if it’s your first developer position after finishing College/University, because the first few years could shape your career for the next ten. I mentioned the importance of this in a previous post, Software Development Must Haves.

The questions you forget to ask when you are interviewing for a job, but wish you had asked after taking the job by Bruce Eckel. It’s worth reading the range of extra questions that were posted in the comments section.

Top 10 Questions to Ask in an Interview, by Robin Ryan: This is a more general guide than just IT. I liked this quote: “An HR Director for Microsoft added: ‘Frequently the candidate, ill-prepared, searches his mind for just anything to ask. That person appears dumb, or uninterested, causing me to question what kind of employee they’d be.’”

Microsoft used to be big on lateral thinking / puzzle type interview questions as described in the book “How would you move Mount Fuji” by William Poundstone. Many of these are example of the “back of the envelope” technique (estimating from imprecise or missing information) which seems to be less frequently taught and practiced, such as “How many Piano Tuners are there in the U.S”. I’m not sure that these types of questions have ever been particularly relevant as interview questions (since the answers can be rote learned) but they can be amusing and good one-off, lateral thinking exercises:

The Guerrilla Guide to Interviewing (version 3.0) by Joel Spolsky. Joel admits that he is fairly hard nosed about the interviewing process, “It’s because it is much, much better to reject a good candidate than to accept a bad candidate.” Joel suggests that only 2 things matter in a candidate: “In principle, it’s simple. You’re looking for people who are (1) Smart, and (2) Get things done.” I like Joel’s reference to the ‘hard part’ where he asks questions about recursion and pointers: “Sadly, despite the fact that I think that all good programmers should be able to handle recursion and pointers, and that this is an excellent way to tell if someone is a good programmer, the truth is that these days, programming languages have almost completely made that specific art unnecessary.” Whilst tutoring first year University students, I remember this was the ‘plateau’ that they had to get over in order to progress to the next level.

Scott Hanselman (and his clone army, ahem!) originally posted this list of questions aimed at ASP.NET developers. After a barrage of comments, he followed up with What Great .NET Developers Ought to Know, which resulted in a wide spectrum of responses ranging from people saying it was just a list of trivia, to those who basically thought “Ya, those are good. I’d probably have to look a few up.” If you can answer every single question correctly without looking anything up then you’re doing OK! Scott makes the point that he isn’t trying to reduce an interview to a set of trivia questions, and Joel Spolsky doen’t like these type of questions at all: “Remember, smart does not mean ‘knows the answer to trivia questions.’”

Interviewing Web Developers – 20 Good Questions to Ask: one of two of these questions are probably more useful than others.

To end this post, here is a little light programmer relief (or how to gather requirements): Stupid Interview Questions.

And how could I forget the Daily WTF (you have to read these!): Tales from the Interview, Security by Insanity (this is my all time favorite), Tales From The Interview: A Perfect Ten, The Abstract Candidate

Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters (Book Review)

I’ve just finished reading “Proudly Serving my Corporate Masters: What I learned in Ten Years as a Microsoft programmer” by Adam Barr. I saw this book mentioned on Joel Spolsky’s site (at least I think that’s where I saw it), and being an avid Microsoft watcher I just had to read it. It’s essentially a historical recount of the early to middle era of personal computing and the rise of the PC, interwoven with Adam’s ten years at Microsoft (1990 – 2000). It gives a fascinating insight into the work culture at Microsoft; some of Adam’s interviewer stories are excellent.
I found some parts of the book extremely interesting, others not so, possibly because they explain things obvious to a developer. If you read this along side other accounts (such as “Microsoft Secrets” by Cusumano and Selby), there seems to be something missing, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. The prose does not always flow smoothly, but despite this it is was worth reading, especially if you’re forty-something and still remember 4.77MHz CPUs, the Z80, Amigas, CP/M and those rather large floppies… One thing this book does well, is to put into perspective how easy and pervasive internet access has become compared to the pre-internet, BBS days.
As an aside, Adam rejoined Micosoft in 2003, and as far as I know he is still there. You can read his blog here.